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Vision Sunday & Baptism Celebration Highlights

Today was an awesome day in the life of our church. 

We began by sharing the vision that we believe God is leading us into as a church and how He has specifically called us to be a part of His redemptive plan for Salt Lake City. We believe in team ministry and therefore Pastor Bryan and I team-taught the vision together today. It was a really cool way to model our value of team ministry. 

Immediately following our Sunday service we held a Baptism Celebration where we baptized one couple who has come a long ways in there journey with Jesus. A year ago they were in a dark place and because of the sovereign hand of God they are now walking in obedience with Jesus. Today they made a public declaration of their faith in Jesus by being baptized! 

We are in grateful awe of what God is doing to draw people to Himself!

Please continue to pray for our efforts to see Salt Lake City redeemed by the power of the gospel. If you'd like partner with us in what God is doing here we'd love your partnership. Learn more and connect more here.