Here you will find a variety of videos Brett has produced on a variety of topics related to making disciples.
Gospel Sharing Methods
Starting Spiritual Conversations: Sharing Your 15-Second Story
Sharing the Gospel: 3 Circles
Sharing the Gospel: 3 Circles w/ Scripture references
Every believer is called to be salt and light where they live, work, play, and do business. In this video, Brett Ricley shares a simple framework for engaging lostness, sharing the gospel, making disciples, being the Church, and multiplying disciples and churches.
Watch Brett’s Evangelism Workshop in its entirety from July 26, 2020 at Creekside Church in Des Moines, IA.
@ The Mission Church in Des Moines, IA
The following content was presented live at The Mission Church in Des Moines, IA over a period of four weeks. Each week includes a video of the session, a link to the PowerPoint slides in PDF form, and any additional links or downloads related that the training during that week. If you’d like Brett to lead a workshop at your church, you can contact him here.
Week 1
Brett introduced the “411” which is a training tool for Christians to train other Christians. The 411 answers four questions in one hour on one sheet of paper. The 411 answers the following the questions: 1) Why should we make disciples? 2) Who should I reach? 3) What do I say? 4) When do I start? Participants not only learned the tool but were immediately required to practice the tool and train/teach someone else during the workshop that evening.
Atheist Video with Penn Jilette
3 Circles - Demonstration video
3 Circles App - iOS and Andriod
3 Circles Resources
The 411 - PDF
Week 2
The primary objective of this session was to learn how to turn everyday conversations into spiritual conversations, how to find the right person to disciple, and how to begin discipling someone with simple and reproducible discipleship tools. Brett introduced two simple methods of having conversations and asking good questions that lead to spiritual conversations (S.P.E.A.K. method + 3 Simple Questions about Beliefs).
For knowing who is ready to be discipled, Brett introduced the “F.A.T.” filter. Simply put, you should be looking for people who are Faithful, Available, and Teachable.
For knowing what to do with someone who needs to be discipled, Brett introduced two tools: the Wheel (Navigators) and Leroy Eims’ Training Objectives.
The Art of Spiritual Conversations
Asking Good Spiritual Questions
The Wheel - PDF
Training Objectives - PDF
Week 3
In this session, Brett introduces a few more simple and reproducible discipleship tools that help disciples equip other disciples to obey Jesus. Brett introduced the Commands of Christ, Disciple-Making Essentials bookmark, Bible Study Essentials Worksheet + bookmark, and the Christian Growth Assessment.
Grasping God’s Word by Duvall & Hays
Commands of Christ - PDF
Bible Study Essentials Worksheets - PDF
Disciple-Making Essentials - PDF
Christian Growth Assessment - PDF
Week 4
Due to some technical issues, we were unable to successfully record the video for Week 4. Our apologies. However, below you will find the PDF of the sessions’ PowerPoint slides that should be adequate in communicating the information from this session. In addition to the PowerPoint PDF, you’ll also want to make sure to download the The Reproducible Process + Simple Tools PDF for a detailed outline of what was discussed in the session.
If you have any specific questions about this session, or the workshop in general, please contact Brett Ricley here.
The Reproducible Process + Simple Tools - PDF
Lone Nut Leadership Video
Disciple-Making Movements Video
Multiplication of Disciples Video
Find all of Brett’s sermons here.
Pastor Brett Ricley preaching at Redeeming Life Church on Ephesians 4:17-32 in a series called "The New Normal".