Do you long to see your church equipped and empowered to effectively carry out the Great Commission?
I personally believe that the Church has everything we need to effectively fulfill the Great Commission: God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and God’s covenant people. However, the Church has not historically always been effective at training every believer to not only know why they should make disciples but also how to actually make disciples. Therefore, I’ve dedicated a major part of my life to learning to put these tools into practice myself and then passing them on to others (2 Timothy 2:2).
One of my greatest passions and callings in life is to pour myself out for the purpose of training and equipping the saints to know the "how to’s" of personal evangelism, making disciples, and personal bible study in any context.
I’m not an expert in all of this. However, I have been intentionally learning about and practicing these things myself for years and have always desired to pass along anything I can to others. In addition to training dozens of mission teams from all over the country while planting a church in Salt Lake City, I have also been privileged to lead various trainings and workshops specifically designed to equip participants with the biblical understanding behind the tools they learn to put into practice as it relates to evangelism, disciple-making, and personal bible study.
Previous Workshops & Training
Evangelism Workshop at Ignite Youth Leadership Conference in Des Moines, IA
Evangelism Workshop at Creekside Church in Urbandale, IA (2017 - Listen)
Evangelism Conference at Hebron Baptist Church in Hebron, KY with Richard Borgonon and Word One to One
Personal Evangelism Workshop at Creekside Church in Urbandale, IA (2020 - Watch the training)
Personal Evangelism Worskshop at Stonebridge Church in Boone, IA.
4-Week Disciple-Making Workshop at The Mission Church
4-Week Bible Study Essentials Workshop at The Mission Church
11-Week Bible Study Essentials Workshop (Ephesians) at The Mission Church
If I can serve you, your leadership team, your church, or your organization please let me know what I can do for you.
“Brett presented an extremely helpful and motivation workshop on personal evangelism to an in-person group at our church as well as a Zoom audience and did an excellent job of attending to both. He is passionate, academic, and knows his material. We’re excited to take what we’ve learned from Brett and see how the Lord uses it for His kingdom!”
Training COURSES
disciple-making workshop
Every disciple is designed by God to be a disciple-maker. However, many Christians have either never been discipled, have believed the incomplete truth that discipleship is simply information transfer, or have fallen victim to inaction due to lack of personal confidence. The disciple-making workshop will be very interactive, fun, informative, and involves role playing. Participants will practice the tools during the workshop in order to gain confidence and competence in using the tools and methods learned. After the workshop, participants should be more confident, more prepared, and ready to engage their relational network for the glory of God.
“I loved Brett’s personal enthusiasm and humble story-telling. Not only did he do a great job demonstrating the tools but then he actually forced us to practice and role-play using all the tools in order to help us build confidence.”
“The most helpful part of the workshop was role playing and practicing the tools with others.”
This workshop is designed to effectively equip participants with a clear plan and simple tools to know:
the biblical basis for disciple-making as the primary ministry of the local church
who to engage (turning everyday conversations into spiritual conversations)
how to share their story in a compelling way
how to share the gospel
how to find the right person to disciple
how to disciple someone one on one (what to do, assessing next steps, when to release)
how to lead a small group focused on disciple-making
how to multiply disciple-makers (learn a reproducible process)
how to train other disciple-makers
The Weekend Intensive is the best way to get a lot of training in a short amount of time. This can be done in a Friday evening and all day Saturday format or even a long one-day training as well. You can request that I come to your location OR there may be the possibility of you bringing your team to my context (The Mission Church) in Des Moines, IA for the weekend. If you come to Des Moines, the training would be all day Saturday (9 AM - 6 PM) and attending The Mission Church service on Sunday morning (10 AM). (Travel expenses and honorarium required)
The Local Training option is for churches in the Des Moines, IA area where I could potentially travel to your location for a certain number of weeks. Each training session would be 90 minutes. (Travel expenses and honorarium required)
Evangelism TRAINING
Every disciple is designed by God to participate in the redemptive mission of God wherever God has already placed them.
This training is designed to effectively equip participants to know:
the biblical basis for personal and corporate evangelism
who to engage (turning everyday conversations into spiritual conversations)
how to share their story in a compelling way
how to share the gospel
how to develop a personal evangelism plan for their relational network (neighborhood, workplace, the gym, etc.)
The Weekend Intensive is the best way to get a lot of training in a short amount of time. This can be done in a Friday evening and all day Saturday format or even a long one-day training as well. You can request that I come to your location. (Travel expenses and honorarium required)
There may be the possibility of you bringing your team to my context (The Mission Church) in Des Moines, IA for the weekend. If you come to Des Moines, the training would be all day Saturday (9 AM - 6 PM) and attending The Mission Church service on Sunday morning (10 AM). (Honorarium required)The Local Training option is for churches in the Des Moines, IA area where I could potentially travel to your location for a certain number of weeks. Each training session would be 90 minutes. (Travel expenses and honorarium required)
“Brett does a nice job laying out the necessity of sharing the gospel with the world around us while giving the group some simple tools to make it less overwhelming. Practice during the presentation helps the audience realize we each have our own story to share. The fundamentals of the gospel are also made clear, and the group has the opportunity to practice a simple method of explaining it. Brett presents clearly, in a winsome manner, and has experience to share with his audience.”
Brett demonstrating the 3 Circles gospel sharing method
“I never had simple and reproducible tools to share the gospel and share my story until this workshop. Brett is an excellent trainer and now I have no fear when talking to others about Christ.”
Preview Brett’s Evangelism Workshop from a training in Des Moines, IA in 2020.
bible study essentials TRAINING
Every believer knows they should read the Bible. However, many Christians have never been trained or taught how to effectively study the Bible.
This workshop covers the various ways we approach the Bible (hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating) but the primary emphasis will be teaching participants the basics of proper exegetical study and hermeneutics. Believe me, there are few things more exciting than helping the Word of God come alive to someone as they learn how to study it appropriately!
This training is designed to equip participants in the following ways:
Introduce them to holistic and simple Bible study methods related to the observation, interpretation, and application stages of the hermeneutic process.
Provide tools and structure for effective personal and group Bible study in order to build confidence and competence both personally and in group settings.
Participants will put these methods into practice immediately during the workshop by working through various passages of the Old Testament and New Testament with guidance and supervision.
Participants will practice the hermeneutical process in groups with others to experience healthy Bible study in community.
Participants will be equipped and ready to teach and train others to approach Bible study in this way using simple and reproducible tools and methods.
The Weekend Intensive is the best way to get a lot of training in a short amount of time. This can be done in a Friday evening and all day Saturday format or even a long one-day training as well. You can request that I come to your location OR there may be the possibility of you bringing your team to my context (The Mission Church) in Des Moines, IA for the weekend. If you come to Des Moines, the training would be all day Saturday (9 AM - 6 PM) and attending The Mission Church service on Sunday morning (10 AM). (Travel expenses and honorarium required)
The Local Training option is for churches in the Des Moines, IA area where I could potentially travel to your location for a certain number of weeks. Each training session would be 90 minutes. (Travel expenses and honorarium required)
“A problem well defined is a problem half solved”
Brett is passionate about helping leaders define “the problem”, ask the right questions, and take faithful steps toward leading well.
Brett’s philosophy of coaching is simple:
Listen well and process thoroughly.
Ask the best questions that draw out from within you what God is already trying to teach you and strategically and intentionally apply what you’re hearing and learning.
Affirm, encourage, and equip you to fulfill your God-given calling with passion and excellence.
Since 2007, Brett has been engaged in full-time ministry and has experience leading in small churches, large churches, old churches, new churches (church planting), campus ministry, Christian contexts (Iowa, Nebraska) and unreached contexts (Salt Lake City, UT). Brett has also served in almost every imaginable position in the local church and is able to relate and provide perspective on your current situation whether that be children’s ministry, youth ministry, pastoral leadership, discipleship/outreach/evangelism, mission & mobilization, church planting, campus ministry, worship ministry, and more.
All of these varied experiences have afforded Brett with a wealth of knowledge, perspective, and personal experience to be able to offer church and ministry coaching in the following areas:
Creating a disciple-making culture
in an existing church with a lot of history
in church plants
Leadership coaching
how to identify potential leaders
how to create a leadership development plan
how to effectively reproduce yourself in others
creating a “team” culture
Visionary and strategic planning
crafting your vision, mission, core values, your “why”, etc.
assessment and alignment (vision/mission)
Church planting
friend raising, fund raising, and partnership development
balancing methods and strategies with listening to the Holy Spirit
methods of evangelism and disciple-making
additional training COURSES
Mormonism 101
After spending six years in Utah doing campus ministry, church planting, and missionary work, I learned a lot about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). While I don’t pretend to be an expert, I do have a solid understanding of the the basic LDS belief system and how that translates to their daily religious practices. This training will cover Mormon doctrine and theology, some church history, and broad worldview of the typical Mormon individual or family.
This course will help participants learn:
1) the core beliefs of the LDS Church
2) the barriers and realities to witnessing to Mormons
3) effective methods to lovingly engage Mormons.
This session will also include recommended resources for Mormonism research, history, and apologetics.