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Preparing for My Sabbatical

I once heard Howard Hendricks say that “a problem well defined is a problem half solved”. That’s a fascinating concept as my wife and I have been examining our life, our marriage, our parenting, and our overall health as a family of four. Combine that with a lot of prayer and an incredibly gracious leadership team at Redeeming Life Church and you end up with a Sabbatical. We’ve “defined the problem” and therefore we’ve been given the gracious gift of being able to take a Sabbatical for the first time in ten years of ministry.

If I’ve learned anything in ten years of ministry it’s this: everyone needs a break and everyone needs regular rest and renewal.

There’s nothing terribly wrong. Our family isn’t in a crisis. However, as my wife and I examine and reflect on the state of our marriage, family, and ministry we realize that it could be better.

So, for the entire month of January I’ll be taking a break from the normal rhythms of life and ministry in order to rest and abide deeply with Jesus. In order to really rest, our family will actually spend a month in Iowa. I plan on taking an eight day personal retreat by myself to simply do nothing, read, pray, and enjoy a leisurely week with Jesus. The rest of the month will consist of a slow pace, some family birthdays and holiday parties, and a weekend getaway with my bride. I will also do my best to stay off of social media completely and seek to disconnect from the regular “connectedness” online. I’ll be off of social from January 1 until February 1.

Please pray for me as I seek to work on some soul level issues in my personal life and seek to let Jesus transform me more and more into His likeness (Romans 8:28-29).

Pray for my family to enjoy the rest and leisurely pace as well.

Pray that better boundaries would be put in place and old habits would die quickly.

I look forward to all that Jesus is going to show me and teach me and I look forward to sharing some of that journey as well.

For the Kingdom,