Redeeming Life Church Officially Launches Gospel, Redeeming Life ChurchBrett RicleyMay 3, 2015church, worship, rose parkComment
Evangelism: Training and Equipping with 5,000 Door Hangers evangelism, Gospel, Prayer, Redeeming Life ChurchBrett RicleyApril 4, 2015church planting, rose parkComment
WANTED: Children's Ministry Missionary/Intern Gospel, Redeeming Life Church, PrayerBrett RicleyMarch 17, 2015children's ministryComment
Beautiful are the Feet | Preaching on Romans 10 evangelism, Faith, preaching, GospelBrett RicleyMarch 10, 2015evangelism, romans, gospelComment
Preaching on Romans 7:7-25 preaching, Gospel, Redeeming Life ChurchBrett RicleyFebruary 4, 2015preaching, romansComment
Sermon on Romans 6:1-14 preaching, Gospel, Spiritual DisciplinesBrett RicleyJanuary 25, 2015preaching, RomansComment
Preaching on Romans 6:1-14 | Initial Thoughts preaching, GospelBrett RicleyJanuary 13, 2015RomansComment
Preaching on Romans 3:21-31 preaching, Gospel, Redeeming Life ChurchBrett RicleyOctober 28, 2014romans, gospelComment